1 John 3:1
See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children—and we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it didn’t know him.
I am a child of God
God calls us because of His mercy and grace, we receive Him through faith He has given us, and we are adopted. Huge!! Adoption is your process. Forever child of God is your status. When a family adopts a child, they don’t continue to call their little one adopted daughter, or adopted son. They call them MY CHILD. No strings, no extra definition or explanation needed. This shows God’s incredible love AND commitment to us. It can not be revoked, it can not be canceled. You are forever God’s loved child. The Apostle John adds something interesting in this scripture. The world didn’t know God the Father, therefore they didn’t know Jesus. The life of a Christian is very different than the calling of this world. The world will not know, or “get you” either. So think about this. In a healthy family, the siblings are connected. They are close. They share things. They protect one another. Yes, they also disagree and argue sometimes, but they make up, and they grow closer. This is our calling to the body of Christ. Other Christians are your spiritual siblings whether you like it or not! It’s important that we invest in these relationships. It’s what family does.
In your opinion, what is the best attribute a sibling should have?
Describe the personalities in your family past or present.
How are your church relationships? Acquaintances or family?