Ephesians 1:4
4 For he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in love before him.
God the Father chose us before time began
You have been chosen by your Heavenly Father! That’s a pretty big deal, right? Remember in grade school when you played kickball and teams were picked? It mattered when you were chosen. If chosen first, you felt valuable. If last, you felt unwanted. This scripture gives PROOF that you were chosen before time began by God. You were chosen by God the Father to be His, and He chose to give you EVERY spiritual blessing. He also called you to be blameless. Here’s the question. How blameless do you feel? If you are like me, you don’t feel blameless at all! What this means is that because of our sins, God the Father chose us before time began, blessed us with all spiritual blessings, and as we will see tomorrow, fulfils the need we have for a Savior. The blameless one! You can trust your heavenly Father because He has been planning good things for you way before your life began.
What do you enjoy planning for?
What details matter to you for a successful day?
When someone plans something for you, how does it make you feel?