Ephesians 1:7-8
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace 8 that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding.
God the Son saved us with His blood
So God the Father has chosen us and given us blessings, He also called us to be blameless. We talked about yesterday how that is impossible, so today we see how God accomplishes this. He sends His son, King Jesus, to do the work! Jesus is perfect, blameless, and therefore the only one capable of paying for your sin and mine. We are blameless because Jesus took our blame upon Himself and redeemed us from the penalty for our sins. Wow!
This is what grace is. God’s incredible calling and forgiveness through Jesus' sacrifice. But it doesn’t stop there! Look at verse 8. What also is given with salvation? Wisdom and understanding. Worldly wisdom can make decent decisions based on temporal needs. Not a bad thing. GODLY wisdom makes decisions based on eternal things. Making good decisions for your family is nice, but making eternal decisions for them is way more important. What a friend, savior, redeemer, and grace-giver we have in Jesus!
When you hear a story of someone literally giving their life to save others, what are your thoughts?
We have all made bad choices in the past. All of us. What needs to happen for you to truly understand Jesus has paid for it? In Christ alone, you have no more debt.
Challenge yourself to think about eternity today. What do you see?