John 15:5
I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.
I have been called by God to bear fruit
So hears how life works. Whatever profession you are a part of, whatever sport you play, whatever country you travel to, there are rules. There are specific ways to do things. If I want to be a baseball player, I don’t show up on the field with a fishing rod. If I travel to a foreign country I can’t bring in anything they consider contraband. If I choose to play the guitar, I must have guitar strings. I know some of these sound ridiculous, but I want to make the point that this is us many times in our relationship with God. We want God to play by our rules. Our preferences. Our desire. This does not work. Christians have been called, saved, and sealed with a future inheritance. We have been called to FOLLOW King Jesus. He will not follow you. This process is called bearing fruit. As we come under God’s authority and obey, really good things happen. Not only in our lives, but in others! In this process of obedience, it will never be in your own strength. I’m sure you know this by now! This is why Jesus says to you and I, “apart from me, you can do…NOTHING”. Our best efforts, our best work, and our best actions don’t count. Apart from Christ. We must do what? Stay close to the vine! Our root. Our beginning. Our savior! Our Redeemer. In that place of abiding many good things (fruit) happen. All of this first and foremost to the glory of God, and secondarily, our greater good.
What does it take for you to remain in Christ?
Hard work pays off in this life. What gives an incredible return in this life and eternity?
What is possible, in your life, if you abide in Christ? Think about this.