Ephesians 5:6-8
Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for God’s wrath is coming on the disobedient because of these things. 7 Therefore, do not become their partners. 8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light—
I am light, no longer partnered with darkness
Most of us had lives BC. Before Christ. It was a time of darkness because it was apart from Christ. Anything apart from Christ is dark. We can define ourselves by our own standards, the world’s standards, or other's standards and they all fall short of the glory and lightness of Christ! Two different presentations in this scripture.
Here is the first:
1.) In that dark place, deception is present
The purpose of lies is death. The purpose of truth/light is life
2.) Disobedience to God is the norm
In darkness, all actions and reactions are contrary to God (Matthew 12:30)
3.) God’s wrath is real and he will punish them
Hell is real, punishment is real
Here is the second:
1.) Do not partner with wickedness/darkness
Whatever is not of God is against God. People, political affiliations, lifestyles, attitudes, preferences, etc. We can not be a part of this world and God’s world
2.) Because of Jesus, you are light
Jesus has made way for us to not be in that deceptive place anymore!
Jesus has taken us from that darkness, and has placed us securely in His presence of light!
3.) Live your life as children of light
Therefore, BE LIGHT
What would Jesus do? Do that.
Will you fall short? Yes. We will. Thank God He is merciful and patient with His kids!!
What is the darkest place physically you have been?
What is the brightest?
Think about the differences between these two. What are they?