2nd Timothy 3:14-17
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Introduction to 1st Samuel (Nation in Transition)
1. 1st Samuel (31 chapters) and 2nd Samuel (24 chapters) were considered one book, called 1st and 2nd Kings, with 1st and 2nd Kings being 3rd and 4th Kings
2. They were then split into 1st and 2nd Samuel, and 1st and 2nd Kings
3. It was split into two later in history, probably for easier study and reference
4. Early Jewish tradition named Samuel as the writer, but his death is mentioned in 1st Samuel 25:1, so he either didn’t write it or couldn’t written all of it
5. We don’t know who helped finish it
6. A lot of debate as to when it was written. Some say Samuel was writing it, and than someone else finished it, but there is debate it could have been written later retrospectively
7. the books span about 135 years of history. During those years, Israel was transformed from a loosely knit group of tribes under “judges” to a united nation under the reign of a centralized monarchy (Macarthur commentary 1st Samuel)
8. As 1st Samuel begins, the whole world is in tumult.
Egypt is not a threat. Persia is not a threat
The Philistines, however, are a threat
9. The Philistines are the ancestors of… modern-day Palestinians
4 themes of 1st and 2nd Samuel
1. Davidic Covenant
Anointed King David
1st Samuel 2:10
Those who oppose the LORD will be shattered;
He will thunder in the heavens against them.
The LORD will judge the ends of the earth.
He will give power to His king;
He will lift up the horn of His anointed.
Song of David, which is a reference to King Jesus
2nd Samuel 22:51
He is a tower of salvation for His king;
He shows loyalty to His anointed,
to David and his descendants forever.
2. God’s sovereignty
God is above all, He is to be obeyed, and He has all power in every situation
3. Holy Spirit empowerment
Holy Spirit empowers King Saul temporarily
1st Samuel 10:10
When Saul and his attendant arrived at Gibeah, a group of prophets met him. Then the Spirit of God took control of him, and he prophesied along with them.
Holy Spirit empowers King David permanently
1st Samuel 16:13
So Samuel took the horn of oil, anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the LORD took control of David from that day forward. Then Samuel set out and went to Ramah.
4. Catastrophic effects of sin
Eli and his sons (1st Samuel 2 and 3)
King Sauls consistent obedience and judgment (1st Samuel 13,14, and 15)
David’s sin with Bathsheba and the consequences ( 2nd Samuel 12)
Interesting facts about Samuel
1. Samuel is a miracle child
2. Samuel is the last judge (Eli is next to last)
3. Samuel is the first prophet
4. Samuel announts first two Kings of Israel
5. Samuel is a Nazarite, set apart by God. (no wine, no cutting hair)
6. Samuel is the only ghost we see in the bible (1st Samuel 28:7)
7. Samuel is one of 8 people in the Bible that God calls by name … twice. The others are Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Martha, Simon, and Saul.
8. Samuel is was called before this two times
Why are we studying this book?
1. We live in tumultuous times
2. We live under a fractured government
3. We live in a world where SIN is considered ok, and Paganism is the standard
4. We are all a product of bad choices. Our HOPE lies only in King Jesus