Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
I am a personal witness of Jesus Christ
So we are new creations, we are called to bring flavor to others, we are called to be a light on a hill to those who are looking for the savior! But why? We are called to obey God FOR HIS GLORY!! You see, salvation and change are all about Jesus. This scripture reminds us that our POWER comes from God (Holy Spirit). Here is the reason that this power is given to us. We will WITNESS, or share this good news with all who will listen. Now Luke was the writer of Acts, and in this passage, he mentions three different places we will share this GOOD NEWS, or Gospel.
1.) Jerusalem
This was where they were at the time
This means you and I are called to share the gospel where we live. Where we work. In our city!
2.) Judea and Samaria
Judea was the area they were from, and Samaria was a place where disregarded people lived
You and I are called not only to our city, but to surrounding places as well. All of them, not just the ones we like
3.) Ends of the earth
God was making clear through Luke that he meant all over the world!
This is definitely to us today. International missions are super important for spreading the good news of Jesus!
The body of Christ (the church, you, and me!) exist to give praise and honor to God by telling everyone about Jesus! In our cities, surrounding areas, and around the world.
Who told you about the good news of Jesus?
Who is God calling you today to tell about Jesus?
Have you ever been on a mission trip? If so, how would you describe it?